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H2Go for JFW


Designing a new service touchpoint to improve Join for Water their existing services.

Join for Water wanted us to upgrade their existing services of raising awareness about the water footprint.

Together with a team of international students (BE & LB), we created H2Go, a service that visualises indirect water usage. 

It's a bicycle trailer that can be used in public spaces but also during workshops in schools. It contains different features to create awareness about peoples indirect water use.

This NGO asked for or help and we gladly came up with this project.

This project is made with Kimberly Vonckx and Carol Sakayan.


Some of our tangible touchpoint from the service and afterservice.


Work in progress.
When times like these happen most of our work is remote.
This slows down the design process quite a bit. That's why as long as we could we tried meeting on campus to work on paper, whiteboard and make mockups. This in a corona proof way of course.


Lockdown did happen again.
Fully online? No problem for our team. With useful tools like Miro we can continue a good workflow and finished our project

As a final deliverable we made a banner that will be exposed on an exhibition. This Banner includes our service system map with personas inside of it. It also shows the different touchpoints our service has and some details.

20L BANNER.jpg
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